
August 2018

April 2017

A Month in Rome. IV

2017-04-28T13:08:32-08:00Categories: Environment, Urbanism|

A SIDE TRIP TO ALBEROBELLO I spent my time in Alberobello in the Puglia region exploring the nooks and crannies of this remarkable and unique UNESCO World Heritage Site, lugging my pinhole camera and tripod up and down [...]

March 2017

A Month in Rome.II

2017-04-25T10:41:09-08:00Categories: Environment, Political Action, Urbanism|

TEVERE RECLAIMED The Tevere (Tiber) River running through Rome has long been a neglected resource. The tall walls lining each side were originally built to protect the city from flooding. Unfortunately, the walkways along each bank became receptacles for litter and havens for [...]

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